Bolla Thoath

Bolla Thoath held the rank of officer within the ranks of the Imperial Navy.


Thoath's role was second-in-command aboard the Star Destroyer known as the Whirlwind, reporting to Captain Blitzer Harrsk. His death occurred above the forest moon of Endor during the Battle of Endor when an explosion rocked the vessel, critically wounding the captain. A shard of durasteel penetrated Harrsk's left eye and frontal lobe, resulting in the formation of two distinct personalities. One was a crazed, power-hungry reflection of his previous self, while the other was the personality of Thoath. For the remainder of his existence, Harrsk was afflicted with multiple personality disorder, shifting between the Harrsk and Thoath identities.

Eight years following the events at Endor, Harrsk narrowly survived Admiral Natasi Daala's poisonous gas assault during the gathering at Tsoss Beacon. The Thoath personality made the decision to put an end to Harrsk's nonsensical operations, directing his TIE shuttle directly into an asteroid. Harrsk came to the belated realization that Thoath was long deceased, but was unable to prevent the shuttle from impacting, resulting in his own demise.


  • The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 2 on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link) (First mentioned)
