
Brafid, an Elomin of the male variety, served as an officer aboard the Trader's Luck, granting him the privilege of carrying weaponry while moving about the ship. He favored a particular kind of electric prod, which he affectionately called a "tingler." He enjoyed a close friendship with Nooni Dalvo. During Han Solo's flight from the Luck, Brafid was wounded by a blaster shot from the young Corellian.

Behind the scenes

A discrepancy exists regarding Brafid's true species. In The Paradise Snare, he identifies as an Elomin and is depicted as large, bulky, and covered in fur. This description, however, aligns more closely with that of an Elom, as Elomins possess minimal hair (except for small amounts behind their ears) and typically measure around 1.6 meters in height.

