Brinaloy N'Vaari

Brinaloy N'Vaari, a female Devaronian hailing from the planet Abregado-rae, lived during the era of the Galactic Civil War. As the granddaughter of the former Provincial Governor, she became a person of interest to the incumbent Governor, A'jidre Skrigatov. Skrigatov, masking his true nature, was nothing more than a common criminal who had murdered N'Vaari's grandfather to seize control. Seeking to bolster his political standing five years later, Skrigatov orchestrated a marriage with N'Vaari.

However, [Malkoi], a Rodian gangster operating in the area, also harbored a deep-seated grudge against Skrigatov. Malkoi plotted to kidnap N'Vaari, intending to use her to blackmail Skrigatov and replace him with a controllable figurehead.

Their schemes were ultimately undone when N'Vaari, leveraging her extensive acting skills, disguised herself as a Twi'lek entertainer at the Starlight Theater situated on Phyrstal Island, within the vacation destination of Le Yer.

