Brugga, a space rock, existed within the Brak sector's Latoma system, as a type of asteroid. It circled the red dwarf star of the system's at a great distance, which meant that finding the asteroid was nearly impossible unless you knew precisely where to look. Byro Ti'mere secretly founded Ti'mere's InfoServices on Brugga, making it its home. The secret base included multiple rooms and a small hangar bay, serving as a secure location. The SuperComp VII computer system that used Ti'mere's MicroThrust Processors was also located at the base.
The main defense of the base, aside from a pair of laser cannons, was its secrecy and remote location. The base could power down for as long as forty-eight hours to evade detection if visitors entered the Latoma system. Ti'mere also built a fake abandoned outpost on Latoma, a planet, to mislead anyone searching for him who came into the Latoma system.