
Bugdillos, indigenous to Eol Sha, were glossy, black-shelled, multi-legged crustaceans. The colonists of Eol Sha pursued them within crevasses, utilizing spears for the hunt. Following the hunt, the colonists would steam these crustaceans, break open their shells, and consume the tart, pink flesh within. On the very day that Luke Skywalker landed on Eol Sha, seeking Force-sensitives to enlist in his Jedi Praxeum, a rockslide ensnared a pair of young colonists who were hunting these creatures. The young male lost his life, but the young female lived through the event. Subsequently, Skywalker was offered bugdillos as food.

It is possible these creatures met their end when Kyp Durron obliterated the Cauldron Nebula by employing the weapon known as the Sun Crusher.

