Bunt Dantor

Bunt Dantor, hailing from Skako, served as a scientist employed by the Techno Union Research and Development Wing throughout the period known as the Clone Wars.


Dantor participated in a panel discussion in 21 BBY concerning the Separatist's enigmatic new weapon, known as the Malevolence. The tepid audience reaction suggested a less-than-stellar reputation for Dantor among his peers.

During this discussion, Dantor posited that the attacks could be attributed to an ion cannon used in conjunction with standard secondary armaments, suggesting this as the technology behind the mysterious attacks. Factoring in the required power supply, he calculated that a warship capable of obliterating entire capital ship groups would need to be approximately 17 kilometers long. His calculations stood in contrast to the estimates provided by his fellow panelists, namely Umak Leth and Nasdra Magrody.

Due to the environmental pressure suit he wore—a necessity for all Skakoans residing outside their homeworld—he typically communicated in a flat, mechanical tone.

