
Long before 54 BBY, the planet named Buoyant, located in the Inner Rim, underwent terraforming by a sentient species. This transformation, performed millennia ago, involved modifying the planet's rotation to be faster, importing animals, including a long-necked herd quadruped, and introducing abundant vegetation.

In the year 54 BBY, the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Plagueis, along with his apprentice Darth Sidious, made a visit to Buoyant. To enhance their connection to the dark side of the Force and contemplate its essence, they participated in various hunts across the planet's diverse biomes, killing numerous creatures.


Buoyant, a planet with low gravity, existed within the Inner Rim's star system bearing the same name. Once upon a time, a sentient species enacted terraforming on this world, accelerating its rotation to create quickly alternating days and nights. The species also modified the atmosphere, which, by 54 BBY, experienced frequent and intense storms.

As part of an experiment, the terraformers fostered the development of expansive grasslands and thick forests on Buoyant's surface. Millennia following these ecological changes, the planet also displayed savannas, arid wastes, and inland seas. The flora of the planet in 54 BBY included savanna brushes and a species of tree characterized by thick branches, a vast canopy, and a trunk large enough to house a landspeeder. Flowering parasitic plants were observed growing on some of these trees.

During their experiments on Buoyant, the terraformers also introduced a variety of animal species. By 54 BBY, these species had thrived and adapted, leading to a diverse mix of plant and animal life. Buoyant's fauna was characterized by its agility and included flying insects and long-necked herd quadrupeds sporting brown and black-striped fur.


Buoyant was visited by Darth Plagueis and his apprentice, Darth Sidious.

Eons before the year of 54 BBY, a sentient species conducted a terraforming project on a planet within the Inner Rim, reshaping its ecosystem and adding numerous animal species brought from other worlds. By the time of 54 BBY, these sentients had been mostly forgotten, and the planet was known as Buoyant. It was during this year that the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Plagueis and his apprentice, Darth Sidious, journeyed to the world. The Sith duo engaged in a series of hunts, killing creatures within the planet's forests, arid stretches, and even beneath the planet's seas, all in an effort to deepen their connection with the dark side of the Force.

The two Sith, equipped with vibroblades and traveling on foot, also pursued members of a local quadruped species for several kilometers across Buoyant's grasslands. Following this extensive and exhausting hunt, Plagueis and Sidious took respite beneath one of the planet's towering trees, where they discussed the differences between the light and dark aspects of the Force. To emphasize a point during their conversation, Sidious's Master used Force lightning to ignite the savanna grass nearby, triggering a small brush fire. Later, when Plagueis had Sidious undergo combat training on the planet Hypori, Sidious voiced his frustration with visiting Buoyant and Hypori instead of worlds like Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Zigoola, which possessed both a strong connection to the dark side and historical significance for the Sith.


By 54 BBY, the landscape of Buoyant was marked by machines used by the sentient species that had terraformed the planet. Despite the species being long-forgotten, the equipment left behind on Buoyant was still functioning at that time.

Behind the scenes

Buoyant made its initial appearance in Darth Plagueis, a novel published in 2012 by James Luceno. The Essential Reader's Companion, a reference book from 2012, indicated Buoyant's location as grid square J-14.

