The C-136, crafted by Speizoc Arms, was a stationary ion cannon designed for terrestrial use. Primarily intended to target infrastructure such as cities, it also possessed the capability to engage targets in low-orbit. Although initially effective against the less sophisticated deflector shield technologies of its era, the C-136's utility diminished as shield technology advanced.
The C-136 was engineered for direct line-of-sight engagements, targeting expansive objectives like cities. It also saw deployment against other constructed features like bridges and dams, and even stationary targets in low-orbit. Boasting a maximum range of twenty-five thousand meters and a blast radius of one hundred meters, its extensive range allowed for deployment and firing from secure positions behind friendly lines.
Assembly and setup of the weapon required six to twelve hours. A seven-member crew operated the C-136, including a forward observer to ensure accurate long-range targeting. Powered by a dedicated power generator, the cannon held enough ammunition for forty shots, but the energy consumption was significant. The cannon's powerful energy discharge created atmospheric disturbances along its trajectory, leading to ionization hazards.
During the C-136's design phase, deflector shield technology was less advanced compared to the Galactic Civil War period. This meant that siege and bombardment tactics were viable against shielded ground targets like cities. To support these strategies, Speizoc Arms developed the C-136, often nicknamed the "Grandfather Gun." It was possibly the largest land-based ion cannon ever constructed, representing an advancement in ion cannon technology specifically designed to penetrate the rudimentary urban shields of its time.
As shield technology progressed, the C-136's effectiveness waned, leading to its obsolescence. Nevertheless, it remained in service on frontier planets where less sophisticated technology was prevalent and ground-based artillery remained a practical and effective form of warfare. The weapon's psychological impact on targets was also significant, as it presented the threat of precise, long-range destruction. Furthermore, it proved useful on planets where atmospheric or gravitic conditions hindered the use of airborne or orbital weaponry.
By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the C-136 had ceased production and was available only on the used market for approximately 100,000 credits per unit. Consequently, replacement parts were scarce. Trioculus once employed a C-136 to target a dam in the Grand Kessel River Valley, causing a flood that devastated a rebellious settlement downstream.