Camden, a terrestrial world, existed within the Camden system. This system was situated within the Morshdine sector, which itself was part of the New Territories region of the Outer Rim Territories. All of these locations are part of planet, Camden system, Morshdine sector, New Territories and Outer Rim Territories of the Legends continuity. The Axxila–Tangrene hyperlane provided a connection to both the Edusa and Vandyne systems.
As a hub for trade, Camden experienced significant traffic from smaller freighters. The primary spaceport on the planet, a vital crossroads for fringe elements, was widely known as "Snakes' Den." The Jade Simian, a combined restaurant and bar, was located adjacent to this spaceport.
By the era of the Galactic Civil War, an alien named Eyes had established themself as an information broker, managing an extensive network of informants. Initially operating from "Snakes' Den," Eyes eventually began hosting organized meetings at the Jade Simian for individuals interested in exchanging information. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Rebel Alliance General Airen Cracken documented Eyes' Camden-based operations in a datafile entry that detailed various Rebel operatives.
Sean Fannon conceived Camden, introducing it in Cracken's Rebel Operatives. This sourcebook, published by West End Games in 1994, was designed for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In 2009, The Essential Atlas reference book situated the Camden system, including Camden itself, within grid square O-5.