Camp Gamma represented one of five encampments for refugees that were established within the confines of the Quarantine Zone situated on Dathomir. This occurred in the wake of a Blackwing virus outbreak during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
During 1 ABY, an incident transpired at an Imperial Research and Prison Facility located on the planet of Dathomir. Here, the Galactic Empire was covertly engaged in perilous scientific investigations, aiming to transform the terrifying Blackwing virus into a bioweapon. The virus escaped its containment, converting the majority of individuals in the vicinity into flesh-hungry undead beings. The Empire swiftly created a Quarantine Zone to isolate the contagion. The few individuals who managed to survive the viral outbreak, largely consisting of Imperial personnel and inmates, found themselves confined within the Quarantine Zone. To seek refuge and await potential evacuation, they established five camps within the zone: Camp Alpha, Camp Beta, Camp Gamma, Camp Delta, and Camp Epsilon. However, all rescue attempts were met with attacks upon landing, resulting in the deaths of rescue team members before they could locate the survivors. These camps were named by TIE pilot Jeb Maris, who successfully delivered radios from Camp Alpha to the other camps and established communication between them.
Camp Gamma consisted of several tents, enclosed by a defensive barrier constructed from concrete slabs, damaged machinery, and assorted discarded materials. The camp was populated by a diverse group of survivors, including Imperial troopers, former prisoners, and soldiers from the Rebel Alliance. The defense of the camp was overseen by the Rodian Kyra 'Naa. The camp was regularly subjected to attacks by the zombies, forcing the refugees to fight for their survival. Other survivors included the Rebel soldier Tripp D'jek and the Bothan Oona Wran.
Later, various spacers made their way to Camp Gamma during their travels through the Quarantine Zone, offering assistance to the survivors in their battles against the undead.
Camp Gamma existed as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011. Camp Gamma was integrated into the game via "Game Update 14," also known as the "Death Troopers" update, which was released on October 12, 2009.