This battlecruiser was under the command of Captain Mulchive Wermis in the period following the Battle of Yavin.
A key feature of the ship was the inclusion of five main thrusters and a quartet of sensor globes. This design choice set it apart from the Imperial-class Star Destroyers, which featured three primary thrusters and a pair of globes. Differing from the more frequently encountered Star Destroyers, the primary reactor's size, relative to the ship, allowed it to be contained within the hull. In addition, the vessel boasted more substantial armor plating compared to smaller spacecraft.

After the events at Yavin, the Sith Lord Darth Vader utilized a battlecruiser as his personal flagship while the Star Dreadnought Executor was still under construction within the Fondor system. This warship participated in the blockade surrounding the Yavin system and served to transport Vader to various locations throughout the galaxy.
Serving under Vader, Captain Wermis held command when the Dark Lord was absent. During a mission to Monastery, he successfully captured the Millennium Falcon, but its subsequent loss was attributed to his incompetence.