
Carsan served as an officer in the Human Imperial Army and participated in the Anti-Sith conspiracy. His role involved the instruction of Grand Moff Trachta's clone stormtroopers.


In the weeks immediately preceding the Battle of Yavin, Carsan became entangled in the Anti-Sith conspiracy. This conspiracy was a scheme conceived by the ambitious Grand Moff Trachta with the aim of deposing Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. Carsan supervised the development and instruction of a specialized group of clones dedicated solely to the conspiracy. Despite the troops being essentially automatons, Carsan felt a sense of pride in his efforts, even regarding them as his own offspring, a sentiment that drew Trachta's contempt.

To determine if the clones would obey any command issued by the coup's leaders, Trachta falsely charged Carsan with treason, resulting in his death at the hands of the stormtroopers he had just presented to the Grand Moff.

