Cattena Squadron

Cattena Squadron was a squad of stormtroopers stationed at the Academy of Carida located on the world of Ord Carida.


After they were unsuccessful in their attempts to join the Stormtrooper Corps, Brenn and Dellis Tantor started closely observing the unit. The unit's captain, being impressed with their commitment, permitted them to become members of the unit as "honorary stormtroopers". This choice, while contentious, was not questioned. In 0 ABY, Cattena Squadron participated in the Battle of Kalaan. During the conflict, one of the squadron's sergeants was killed, and Brenn Tantor assumed control of the unit. Captain Beri Tulon noticed Brenn's capabilities while in command and recruited him for the BHCI project, also taking Dellis, who had sustained injuries in the battle, with him.

