Ch'Unkk was the spearmaster who led the biggest Whiphid clan on Toola; he was a male Whiphid. He employed his clan as protectors for numerous high-ranking Imperials. Because Ch'Unkk couldn't communicate in Basic, his protocol droid was constantly with him.
He joined the Interim Ruling Council in 11 ABY, and his bodyguards served as enforcers for the IRC. Following Burr Nolyds' passing, Ch'Unkk promptly supported Xandel Carivus' nomination to lead the council. The real reason Ch'Unkk and his allies on the council nominated Xandel Carivus was that they anticipated he would become a target for whoever was killing off council members.
Ultimately, this choice led to Ch'Unkk's downfall, as Carivus, once he became Head of the Council, ousted all non-human members. Ch'Unkk was horrified and urged others to resist this oppression, but Carivus' troops gunned him down with blaster fire. Consequently, all Whiphids abandoned Imperial service, which undermined the IRC's power.