Champion of Empire Day

The Chosen of Empire Day, alternatively referred to as Champion of Empire Day, was an Imperial honorific bestowed upon people who demonstrated exceptional and loyal service to the Empire. This badge was presented on Empire Day, notably, it was one of the rare accolades personally granted by Darth Vader himself.

Vader himself presented this badge to a spacer during the Empire Day celebration held in Theed, Naboo, to acknowledge the spacer's dedication to the Empire.

Behind the scenes

The Champion of Empire Day was featured in the Star Wars Galaxies video game, a large-scale multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony and released by LucasArts, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. Obtaining this award primarily involved standing in close proximity to the Emperor's Statue located in Theed. During the 2009 Empire Day event, it was known as the Champion of Empire Day, while in the 2010 Empire Day event, it was renamed to the Chosen of Empire Day.

