Chortav Meshurkaane was a street situated in Keldabe, the capital city of the world Mandalore, which itself was part of the Outer Rim Territories. The name Chortav Meshurkaane, when translated from the Mandalorian language known as Mando'a into Galactic Basic Standard, could be interpreted as either "Jewelers Street" or "Gem-Cutters Street." This street featured a collection of small shops and tapcafs.
On market days in Keldabe, which occurred twice a week, Chortav Meshurkaane became even more bustling as temporary market stalls joined the established tapcafs and stores along the street. These temporary stalls commonly offered goods such as precious metals, gemstones, and various leather products, including kamas, belts, and gloves. One end of Chortav Meshurkaane opened up to a paved, open-air square located in front of the Oyu'baat tapcaf, and this square was also a location for merchant stalls, selling a wide variety of foods and other goods.
The Star Wars universe was first introduced to Chortav Meshurkaane in Imperial Commando: 501st. This novel, written by author Karen Traviss, was the fifth installment in the Republic Commando series and was published on October 27, 2009.