Cliffborer worm

title: Cliffborer Worms

These parasitic, largely unthinking, burrowing arthropods, known as Cliffborer worms, were frequently encountered across the galaxy. They thrived particularly well on numerous planets characterized by primarily dry and rocky terrains, for example, Tatooine.


These worms were elongated, armored animals that subsisted on razor moss and lichen, utilizing a solitary pair of insect-like legs mainly for movement. Nevertheless, during the reproductive period, these appendages could serve as formidable offensive tools. Aggression was limited to the mating period or when protecting a nest. A pair of cliffborers would protect their nest containing between two and twelve eggs until hatching, subsequently leaving the offspring to survive independently. Numerous hatchlings became prey for predators like krayt dragons or dewbacks due to their hides not hardening until reaching a meter in length, about a month post-birth. They displayed activity levels that were consistent both during the day and night, remaining generally vigilant despite their common stillness.

Although lacking confirmation, some xenobiologists speculated that cliffborers experienced continuous growth and did not succumb to death from aging, suggesting that within remote, isolated desert habitats, worms could achieve lengths exceeding twenty to thirty meters. Nevertheless, individuals measuring three to four meters were more typical.

From an economic perspective, the durable hide of the cliffborer was a sought-after material for manufacturing robust footwear. It also saw application as an element in the construction of sail barges and comparable vehicles. Limited endeavors aimed to modify its hide for use in body armor, but the outcomes were unfavorable due to its heat retention and unwieldiness. Furthermore, taming them was challenging and frequently unsuccessful because of their tendency to tunnel through the majority of enclosures. Consequently, several planets harbor minor cliffborer worm populations resulting from unsuccessful domestication projects.

