Clone madness

NeonRibsNion A crazed duplicate of Galen Marek

Madness in Clones was a condition that affected clones.

Defining Characteristics

When a clone experienced accelerated growth, their mental state would start to break down, potentially causing psychosis. The minimum duration for normal clone development was one standard year; however, allowing three to five years was generally considered necessary to mitigate the danger.

The underlying cause of clone madness was a topic of discussion. Some scientists proposed that the rapid physical development overwhelmed the brain's capacity to process information at such a high pace. Others attributed it to a "dual presence" created by the clone within the Force.

Historical Information

The Dark Apprentice Project

The effects of clone madness manifested in numerous clones of Galen Marek created by Darth Vader on Kamino. Vader's goal was to replace the original Starkiller with a more powerful and obedient version. Approximately six months after Marek's death, Vader nearly believed that one clone might represent his first success. Although this clone didn't exhibit the physical abnormalities or violent psychosis seen in the aberrant clones, he still struggled with a degree of identity confusion. Ultimately, he was affected by the emotional residue inherited from his genetic source, similar to the clones that had failed before him.

Prior to the Assault on Kamino, Darth Vader achieved success in producing the only perfect clone of the original Starkiller. This clone demonstrated stability unlike its predecessors. He not only inherited Marek's abilities but also possessed the capacity to distinguish his own experiences from his progenitor's memories. By fully accepting his status as a clone of a deceased individual, the clone ultimately overcame the emotional burdens of his template, thereby avoiding the identity crisis and other psychological challenges that plagued all other clones of Galen Marek.

Thrawn's Military Operations

Later, during his campaign against the New Republic, Grand Admiral Thrawn employed ysalamir to suppress the Force around the Spaarti cloning cylinders used for creating his army. This allowed Thrawn to accelerate the growth of adult Human clones to a period of fifteen to twenty days without the risk of clone madness.

