During the Battle of Coruscant, Saesee Tiin is accompanied by clone marines on a mission to board the Prosperous. Clone marines were considered the elite clone troopers within the Republic Navy. Their duties included protecting Republic capital ships from Separatist boarding attempts, and initiating boarding actions against Separatist vessels.
These clone marine soldiers were equipped with a variety of weapons, including a DC-15A blaster rifle, a PLX-1 rocket launcher, a commando pistol derived from the DC-15S design, and V-1 thermal detonators. This infantry unit would infiltrate an enemy ship to either seize it or inflict critical damage to its vital systems. Their rapid marksmanship and the automatic fire of their DC-15A blaster rifles made them more effective on boarding missions than a clone pilot wielding a blaster pistol. In certain instances, the marines would utilize a space transport to land in an enemy hangar for deployment, or employ jetpacks to traverse space and directly board the enemy ship.