The Central Armory was situated within the clone military education complex
Located in Tipoca City, the Kaminoan Military Complex, otherwise referred to as the clone military education complex, served as the primary training location for clone forces on Kamino. Before and during the Clone Wars, this establishment was where the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic underwent their training.

The clone military education complex occupied a significant portion of Tipoca City, residing inside one of its external, domed sections. The innermost areas contained command hubs utilized by Kaminoan overseers, officials, and scientific personnel. Close by were docking bays and monitoring posts for the KE-8 Enforcers along with Observation Ships.
Within the complex were areas dedicated to learning, instruction, and simulated combat environments. The upper training level floors could be adjusted up or down, allowing for the creation of diverse combat zones (mainly for close-quarters fighting). Certain sections could even be transformed into arenas for demonstrating combat prowess. The large-scale battlefield simulation chambers were equipped with repulsor floor panels, wind-generating devices, and atmosphere generators to accurately replicate a multitude of environments and terrains. Additionally, there were academies for specialized clone units, living and leisure spaces, automated cooking facilities, staging areas, mess halls, and even a clandestine training area specifically for ARC Troopers. An exit leading to the hangars provided access to transports, ready to deploy the clones across the vast galaxy.