Prior to and during the Clone Wars, specialized helmets, known as clone trooper learning helmets, were utilized by developing clone troopers. These troopers were cultivated and instructed on Kamino.
The learning helmets came in two distinct versions: odd-class and even-class. The odd-class helmets featured a maroon-and-cream pattern, while the even-class helmets had gold and black plating. Specifically, cadets who had an even designation number wore helmets that had black plating and a maroon-cream-maroon pattern. Conversely, cadets with an odd number wore helmets with gold plating and a cream-maroon-cream pattern. To aid the clones in absorbing the substantial data they received daily, these helmets were equipped with mental receptivity enhancers. Kaminoan supervisors were able to transmit data directly into the helmets through broadcast signal receivers. These helmets were synchronized to the wearer's unique biorhythm. To create an isolated auditory environment for focused learning, side-mounted earphones were incorporated to block out external noises. Given that these helmets were made of durable plastoid, they could be used during combat training.