CMC-A14 mining facility

The Corellia Mining Corporation conceived the CMC-A14 mining facility as a predominantly self-operating platform intended to mine minerals, ores, and other precious materials from a range of typical asteroid compositions. Its mining processes leveraged sizable rotating extractors, pumping mechanisms, and storage silos. Furthermore, it incorporated a substantial landing area to accommodate cargo ships collecting refined resources for removal from the site. While a compact primary living section accommodated personnel, the facility's near-total automation minimized the requirement for intelligent oversight or management during standard functioning.

Under an agreement stipulating that CMC would be entitled to a percentage of all operational earnings, the Corellia Mining Corporation marketed the CMC-A14 blueprint to numerous factions, notably the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance, and the Zann Consortium. These organizations mainly utilized them both to finance and to provision materials for starship manufacturing at their respective starbases.

