Columus Data Card

The Columus Data Card, a data card, was created by Jedi apprentice Danzigorro Potts, who was the sole remaining survivor of the Battle of Columus. Very soon after the battle, and just before his death, he made the recording, in the hopes that a Jedi would eventually discover it. This data card served as the wellspring of creativity for three different operas performed on Coruscant. Ingo Wavlud, a known Sith apologist, initially dismissed the data card as mere Jedi propaganda, however, subsequent analysis confirmed its genuineness.

Contained within the data card were Potts' sentiments regarding Xendor and the Legions of Lettow, as well as his views on the Dark side of the Force and the Jedi Order. Furthermore, it presented a detailed narration of the battle itself.

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