A computer terminal
A computer terminal served as an access point for a computer's central processing unit, facilitating the exchange of data. Various tools could connect to a computer terminal via a wall socket, including scomp links and rank cylinders. These terminals were particularly well-suited for use by astromech droids, although MSE-6-series repair droids also utilized them for certain maintenance tasks. At Yavin, a specific terminal was used to connect R2-D2 via a cable so that the Death Star plans could be downloaded. On the original Death Star, R2-D2 infiltrated a computer terminal to thwart Garbage Compactor 3263827. On Bespin, the main computer system of Cloud City informed R2-D2 that the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive had been disabled.
Another element of a computer terminal catered more to humanoids, featuring an interface designed to display information and receive input through manual manipulation or other methods determined by the terminal's specific design. Obi-Wan Kenobi employed such a terminal to disable a tractor beam on the Death Star I's main reactor, thereby enabling the Millennium Falcon's escape.