Conjo fighter

The Conjo fighter represented a class of atmospheric combat craft manufactured by Aratech. These fighters were deployed by planetary defense organizations that lacked the resources or perceived requirement for dedicated starfighters. These compact, wedge-shaped vehicles employed a hybrid repulsorlift/ion afterburners system to reach supersonic velocities, while advanced vectoring systems and aerodynamic design granted them exceptional agility. A variety of Conjo fighter models were in service, encompassing ground attack, air superiority, and trainer configurations.

The G'rho Defense Force maintained three squadrons equipped with Conjo fighters. During the Ssi-ruu invasion of the planet in 2 BBY, Major Brco issued the order for his Conjo fighter pilots to engage the enemy. Trig and Seni Kilwallen were among the Conjo pilots involved.


  • The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook
