Conn Doruggan, a male Human from Alderaan, served as an Imperial officer during the Rebellion era. This officer was stationed on Bakura, a planet in the Outer Rim, at the time of the first Ssi-ruuvi invasion in 4 ABY. His composed and even-tempered nature greatly aided the discussions that resulted in the Bakura Truce between representatives of the Empire and the Alliance.
Growing up on Alderaan, Conn Doruggan perused HoloNet reports detailing the brutal offenses committed by outlaws beyond the Galactic Empire's borders. During his younger years, his revulsion at these offenses transformed into a conviction that galactic order was paramount, even if upholding that order meant sacrificing certain fundamental liberties. While he was training at the Raithal Military Academy as a cadet, his homeworld was obliterated; however, Doruggan's devotion to the Empire and animosity toward anyone who sought to destabilize its authority remained unwavering.
Following his graduation, Doruggan served alongside Wilek Nereus and became a respected member of his inner circle. While on Bakura, Captain Doruggan oversaw Nereus's operations aimed at penetrating resistance groups. During the Bakura Incident, he was present at the Bakuran Senate briefing where delegates from the Rebel Alliance engaged with Imperial and Bakuran authorities. He had an encounter with Princess Leia Organa during this meeting, engaging in conversation with her without any apparent resentment toward her association with the Rebel Alliance.