Core Galaxy Systems

Core Galaxy Systems ranked among the most established producers of starships throughout the galaxy. Designated a "Founding Shipwright," its establishment dates back to approximately 20,000 BBY, coinciding with the dawn of the Galactic Republic. This enterprise fabricated an impressive selection of starships, notably the Core Galaxy Systems Dreadnaught, and also oversaw several smaller entities, including the subsidiary that handled production of the Dynamic-class light freighter.

Nevertheless, around 500 BBY, the corporation encountered intense rivalry from the powerful Kuat Drive Yards. Relentless price battles, corporate spying, and a series of unexplained incidents at numerous manufacturing sites led to substantial monetary setbacks for Core Galaxy Systems. Ultimately, Kuat Drive Yards acquired the company when it was put up for sale.

With its acquisition by Kuat Drive Yards complete, the Core Galaxy Systems brand was discontinued.

