Corint City

Corint City functioned as the planetary capital on Pirik, potentially taking its name from the Corintium ore extracted from the planet. This location served as the operational hub for the Rebel infiltration unit known as Shroud Team, from which they launched disruptions across the galaxy. Positioned 14 kilometers away from the Uloitir Sea, the Jalor Docking Facilities were situated just outside the city, acting as the primary starport for the entire planet.

The urban area was segmented into various districts, such as the Overtown District, which housed the government's headquarters and served as the city's central point; the Talamp Industrial Sector, dedicated to industrial activities; the Lafarn Residential District, primarily for commercial and residential purposes; the Lowtown District, characterized by its less reputable nature and prevalence of criminal activities; and Strak Tower.

During the Attacks on Corint City, the Galactic Empire launched an assault on the city in an attempt to raid it.

