Corona-class transport

The Corona-class transport was a transport class ship produced by Kuat Drive Yards. These ships were designed to rival the YT-series of light freighter from the Corellian Engineering Corporation; however, their high price and limited cargo capacity led to poor sales. During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic utilized some of these vessels.

Each ship measured 28.4 meters in length and required a crew of one pilot, with space for an optional copilot. These vessels could accommodate six passengers, carry eighty metric tons of cargo, and store two months' worth of consumables. They featured a class 2 hyperdrive as well as a class 10 backup hyperdrive, and had an atmospheric speed of 800 kilometers per hour. For defense, they were equipped with shields and a laser cannon turret.

Behind the scenes

The vessel identified as the Corona in Supernova

The Corona made its debut in the Supernova adventure collection, where it was shown as a smaller version of an Imperial Escort Carrier. However, the same ship later appears in the same book, where it is suggested to be a Ghtroc transport. This discrepancy has led to uncertainty regarding the ship's true identity in Supernova.

The only other appearance of the Corona is in the Pirates and Privateers sourcebook, where it is shown as a thumbnail silhouette with a completely different design. This silhouette is explicitly identified as a Corona, making it the only definitive representation of the ship.

