The Corporate Policy League (CPL) functioned as a lobbyist organization that favored both pro-militant stances and business interests. It operated during the final decades of the Galactic Republic, with the goal of swaying Galactic Senate policy to align with its objectives. However, the group generally lacked popularity within the Senate in 32 BBY. Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord who operated covertly within the Senate as Senator Palpatine from the Mid Rim planet Naboo, likened publicly supporting the CPL at that time to openly advocating for slavery.
During the Supreme Chancellor election of 32 BBY, both the Trade Federation of Planets and the CPL gave their support to Gran Senator Ainlee Teem in his bid for the position of Supreme Chancellorship. This endorsement from the CPL effectively sealed his electoral fate, as the Senate, already hesitant to elect a militant Gran, was unwilling to back a candidate associated with the CPL. Ultimately, Palpatine emerged victorious, setting the galaxy on a course towards the Sith Order's orchestrated civil war and the culmination of their Grand Plan.
The Corporate Policy League received a mention in the 2012 novel titled Darth Plagueis, authored by James Luceno.