Coruscant Insurrection

The Coruscant Insurrection, also known as the Invasion of Coruscant, marked a significant engagement within the Clone Wars timeline, specifically occurring in 22 BBY.

Initial Events

Count Dooku, accompanied by Trenox, one of his Dark Acolytes, successfully breached Coruscant's defenses. They commanded a substantial force of Separatist battle droids, with their primary objective being the destruction of the Jedi Archives located inside the Jedi Temple.

Combat Operations

The assault commenced while Anakin Skywalker was occupied with an investigation concerning C-B3 cortosis battle droids on the desert planet of Tatooine. Obi-Wan Kenobi promptly informed Anakin about the unfolding crisis, prompting his immediate return to Coruscant. He joined forces with the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order in their efforts to repel the unexpected offensive. He played a key role in the defense of the High City of Coruscant. During the invasion, numerous ASN-121 assassin droids were deployed as battle droids, spreading fear among the civilian population on the platforms and walkways. Simultaneously, groups of B2 super battle droids launched attacks on the interior of the upper-level buildings. Amidst the chaos, Anakin encountered Trenox, one of Count Dooku's Dark Acolytes, leading to a pursuit that extended into the Coruscant underworld. Their confrontation occurred at the Outlander Club, where Trenox briefly incapacitated Anakin before making his escape to the Jedi Temple. While navigating the Underlevels, Anakin had his initial encounter with Vandalor, the Chiss bounty hunter. When questioned about Trenox's whereabouts, Vandalor suggested that he was likely engaged in an attack on the Jedi Archives, before departing.

Acting on this information, Anakin proceeded to the Jedi Temple, where he confirmed the Separatist infiltration. He advanced to the Jedi Archives, engaged Trenox, and ultimately eliminated him. However, this delay allowed Dooku to successfully steal at least one Holocron and escape. General Obi-Wan Kenobi sustained injuries during the engagement. Some Jedi, including Barriss Offee, struggled against the cortosis battle droids, which exhibited resistance to lightsaber attacks. Anakin discovered that a well-placed strike down the center of the droid's chest, targeting the gap in their breastplates, could effectively sever these cortosis droids.


A soldier named Rom Mohc engaged droids in close-quarters combat and was subsequently celebrated as a hero across the HoloNet. This event later served as the catalyst for Mohc's leadership of the Dark trooper project during the era of the Galactic Empire. This battle, in conjunction with the Sarapin blackout, eroded the sense of security among Coruscant's inhabitants, making them acutely aware of the war's destructive potential.

