
Cristoff was a business tycoon of the Human species (a male who existed in the time of the Galactic Empire.


Cristoff, at some point in that period, journeyed on a luxury liner headed towards the planet named Kailor V, bringing along precious gemstones that he had purchased.

Bink Kitik seduces Cristoff.

While on the ship, the criminal known as Bink Kitik started to romance Cristoff, hoping to get invited to his cabin so she could pilfer his jewels. Cristoff was taken in by her allure, but while he repeatedly asked her to go back to her room, he never suggested taking Kitik to his own room. On the final night of the ship's journey, Bink's twin sister Tavia diverted Cristoff's attention by pretending to be her sibling, while Bink forced her way into his cabin and made off with his gems from his safe.

