Crucitorn represented a method leveraging the Force to overcome bodily suffering.
A Jedi, or any Force-sensitive individual, could endure any injury or resist even the most severe forms of torture by disassociating their mind.
Both the Jedi Order and the Sith employed Crucitorn. Darth Bane, a Sith Lord, was familiar with this technique. His essay contained information about it, which Darth Sidious later incorporated into the Book of Sith, a collection of historical documents assembled into a single book many years afterward. Certain Revanchists utilized Crucitorn during the Mandalorian Wars. Eeth Koth, a Zabrak Jedi Master, practiced Crucitorn during the time of the Great Peace of the Republic. Jedi Master Quinlan Vos expressed surprise upon discovering in the Book of Sith that the Sith also utilized this technique.