
Cryptanalysis was a division of the Analysis Bureau within Imperial Intelligence's structure. The members of this group, known unofficially as "the Crypt," called themselves lignyots, though the significance of this term remained a mystery to outsiders. The Crypt was known for its eccentric behavior; for instance, they would dispatch scandocs containing easily cracked encryption, which, if not solved quickly, revealed embarrassing holographic images of the recipient. Furthermore, they were known to breach communication security and fabricate provocative messages between different departments. They also frequently changed the location of their offices, leaving behind only a scandoc with clues to their whereabouts. Despite numerous complaints from other departments to the Ubiqtorate regarding the Crypt's unusual behavior, the lignyots justified their actions by arguing that the urgency of their work—deciphering codes and ciphers uncovered by Media and Signal—necessitated a certain degree of eccentricity. The Ubiqtorate, however, viewed the Crypt's antics as a chance to test other departments, treating each prank as a simulated enemy operation and assigning it to a different branch to resolve. In one instance, the Assassination division discovered and eliminated one of Crypt's facilities after it had been relocated. Luke Skywalker suggested that the entire Crypt division's codebreaking abilities were less effective than those of his astromech droid, R2-D2.

