Cularin Compact

The Cularin Compact represented a settled understanding that brought the Tarasin Revolt to a close. This revolt was a conflict between the indigenous Tarasin people and developers originating from off-world locations, notably the Trade Federation.


The Tarasin people's revolt commenced in 161 BBY on the world of Cularin. The Trade Federation initiated negotiation attempts that persisted for months following failed peace efforts by two Jedi Consulars hailing from the Almas Academy, who sought to establish tranquility and ensure the stability of the Cularin system. Ultimately, after many unproductive months of conversation, the [Cularin Compact] agreement was successfully achieved in 154 BBY.

The stipulations of the compact delineated safeguards for the rights of the Tarasin people who were native to the planet. It also significantly restricted off-world corporations from ecologically damaging practices in their business endeavors related to the planet's natural resources. This agreement also extended protection to local wildlife, most notably the Kilassin.

Although the transition to peace was gradual, the Tarasin inhabitants and aliens began a collaborative effort. Their goal was to extract the planet's natural wealth while simultaneously ensuring the preservation of the planet's fragile ecological equilibrium.

