Cularin Star Tours, alternatively referred to as Cularin Stellar Tours or CST, functioned as an enterprise within the bounds of the Cularin system.
Established by Janvar Jan roughly during the era of the Clone Wars, the company leased upscale yachts to vacationers. Jan possessed a trio of yachts for this purpose: the Twilight's Kiss, the Crest of Dawn, and the Perihelion. To comply with insurance stipulations, he was obligated to maintain a safety vessel for protection, a role fulfilled by the Starchaser IV. Furthermore, Jan secretly owned a fifth, unlabeled ship, utilized by certain pirates for smuggling activities and capable of altering its transponder signal to mimic any of the other vessels.
Upon inaugurating the business, he chartered the Crest to Syub Kyak, a Sullustan, the Kiss to Sargo VenHalgon, and the Perihelion to the Liana Liberators, who were presenting themselves as affiliates of the Alderaanian Biological Research Institute. Nonetheless, a team from Naboo assigned to operate the Starchaser did not appear, yet Jan managed to promptly engage the Heroes of Cularin to execute the function for a brief duration.