The Cyborreans constituted the original intelligent species inhabiting the planet Cyborrea, situated within Hutt Space of the galaxy. A near-constant state of warfare defined their existence amongst themselves, and they functioned as a client race under the control of the Hutts. Outside of combat, they honed their combat abilities by hunting the dangerous fauna native to their world. Their reputation stemmed, in part, from their practice of breeding Cyborrean Battle Dogs, ferocious, canine-like animals of significant size equipped with protective plating and cybernetic enhancements. These animals frequently found their way into illicit trade networks.
- Dark Empire Sourcebook (First mentioned)
- Star Wars Miniatures Battles Companion
- The Essential Atlas
- Xim Week: The Despotica (Part I) on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (Mentioned only)
- The Essential Guide to Warfare