Dacho District

The Dacho District, alternatively referred to as the Dead Sector, was a manufacturing zone located on the city-planet of Coruscant. This extensive area, among the largest on the planet, was the location of a chemical detonation 700 years prior to the Battle of Geonosis. This event triggered the planet's most deadly industrial disaster, as the explosion, which took place far beneath the planet's surface, released poisonous neuritic carbide gases, resulting in the deaths of over 300,000 individuals who were trapped within the complex. Following the conclusion of the Galactic Republic's inquiries, which were entirely classified and all associated documents sealed, every corporate leader who had been employed in the district left the planet, and the entire region was deserted, gaining notoriety as the most well-known of Coruscant's Dead Sectors.

Over time, tales began to circulate regarding the incident. According to legend, the factories' lower levels were purportedly used for processing the remains of immigrants, reducing them to their essential biological components. In the Republic's twilight years, the Dacho District was said to be inhabited by spirits, and the Jedi Knights sensed a residual presence in the Force originating from the location, attributed to the vast number of fatalities. It is reasonable to infer that these factors contributed to Darth Sidious's decision to establish a clandestine installation within The Works.

