The Dargulli Dark Jedi was a Dark Jedi of Human descent, identified as female, who existed in the era of the Great Jedi Purge.
Prior to the Battle of Yavin by several weeks, she found herself on the planet of Dargulli. There, she instigated the deaths of stormtroopers dispatched for tax collection, with the express purpose of drawing the attention of Darth Vader. Having foreseen Vader's eventual killing of Palpatine, she perceived him as a figure capable of restoring order to the Force and governing the galaxy. Furthermore, she detected a void in Vader's existence. Consequently, her ambition was to serve as his Sith apprentice. Despite a moment of temptation, Vader ultimately killed her without significant delay.
Despite wielding a lightsaber that visually resembled those used by the Jedi, lacking a typical dark side crystal, she asserted her non-affiliation with the Jedi Order. Vader corroborated this, detecting no Jedi principles within her, thus shrouding her beginnings in mystery.
The character of Sidirri was conceived as a potential younger iteration of this character.