Dark side tendrils represented the unadulterated embodiment of sinister Force energy of malevolent origin, brought forth through the use of Sith magic. Arising from the earth as a black fog, these entities transformed into coiling, snake-like appendages that engulfed their target, striking with the raw strength of the dark side. A Force power that demanded unwavering focus, they were known to be immensely potent, and challenging to manifest. When summoned by an experienced Sith sorcerer, dark side tendrils possessed the capability to obliterate any substance upon contact, also inflicting upon the wounded the complete emptiness associated with the dark side. During their duel on Ambria in 980 BBY, the Sith sorceress Darth Zannah called upon dark side tendrils to use against her Master, Darth Bane. Almost one millennium afterwards, in 11 ABY, Kyp Durron, a disheartened Jedi trainee, harnessed the dark side tendrils with guidance from the ghost of the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun in an attempt to strike Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.