Dashta eel

The Dashta eels, a type of eel, were a species that originated on Ord Cestus and were not known in the wider galaxy. When coiled, the immature eels were about the size of a closed Human hand and possessed sightless eyes. The young eels did not have defined sexes; following their maturation, they underwent sexual differentiation, developed a degree of sentience, and increased in size. Dashta eels that remained immature and non-sentient came from unfertilized eggs. The Guides were the head eels.

These eels, originating from the Zantay Caves, were revered by the X'Ting for millennia (years). Their namesake was Kilaphor Dashta.

The X'Ting received unfertilized Dashta eels, which they utilized in the creation of JK-series droids. Despite their lack of sentience, these unfertilized eels exhibited a notable degree of Force-sensitivity, marking them as the earliest documented instance of non-sentient beings with Force sensitivity. Moreover, the sentient, adult Dashta eels provided the X'Ting with the initial fungal spores that were used for sustenance and medical purposes in ancient times. During the Clone Wars, the deranged geneticist Zeta Magnus conducted experiments using Dashta eel tissue.

