Captain Dedelin was an officer within the ranks of the Imperial Navy. His service continued until his imprisonment on the desolate Captivity.
Following the transition from the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire, Dedelin became a member of the Imperial Navy. He was a strong advocate for the New Order, convinced that the Empire offered the best solution to the widespread corruption and disorder plaguing the galaxy. His accomplishments brought him fame throughout the Empire, earning him the rank of captain and making his name known to countless individuals. However, Dedelin's initial idealism gradually diminished due to the increasingly severe orders he received from his superiors, as well as the fear he encountered upon being recognized as a captain in the Imperial Navy. Dedelin started to question Imperial policies he disagreed with, expressing his criticisms openly. As a result, the Empire banished Dedelin to Captivity, a prison moon located in the Grehollo system, with the intention of neutralizing his influence among his fellow fleet officers. The prisoners on Captivity were left to their own devices on a world characterized by dense cloud cover, constant severe weather, and magnetic anomalies. Dedelin emerged as the leader of a group of thirty-three inmates, which included former senators and other political prisoners, in opposition to a group headed by the criminal Andews Rolo. Rolo aimed to eliminate Dedelin's group, as he had done with previous groups on the moon, but Dedelin's superior skills and leadership enabled them to withstand Rolo's attacks. Under Dedelin's command, the group established a camp protected by an electrified wire fence, and they salvaged equipment from the drop pods that transported prisoners to the surface.
Some time after the events of the Battle of Yavin, a team from the Alliance to Restore the Republic, disguised as the Rajah of Virujansi and his Royal Court, deliberately arranged their exile to Captivity to free the political prisoners and Alliance supporters. After connecting with Dedelin, they revealed their plan to land a freighter on Borolol's Claw, a peak regularly situated within a low-pressure zone of the continuous storms, making it accessible to starship travel due to a funnel-shaped "eye" that pierced the cloud cover. Dedelin, his group, and the Alliance team packed up the camp, carrying essential belongings, including a blaster cannon and power generator as a contingency, and ascended Borolol's Claw. Following a confrontation with Imperial TIE/rc starfighters, they were all rescued by the Millennium Falcon, with Han Solo and Chewbacca at the controls.
Dedelin held a strong belief in the New Order, viewing it as the solution to the perceived corruption and chaos within the galaxy. He was highly regarded by his fellow officers for his abilities, and he was a celebrated figure within the Empire, a well-known name. However, his beliefs gradually weakened as he encountered those who did not share his ideals, including superior officers who directed him to carry out severe actions, and the shift from admiration to fear among those who learned of his service to the Empire. Ultimately, he took a stand, leading to his exile to the prison moon Captivity. Dedelin's innate leadership skills allowed him to assume command of a group of political prisoners, guiding them and resisting the advances of a rival group. He was overjoyed when the Alliance team arrived and announced their intention to liberate them, but he also maintained a pragmatic approach, insisting on bringing valuable equipment and supplies on the journey to Borolol's Claw to prevent them from falling into Rolo's hands, and in case his group still needed them if the rescue was unsuccessful.
Dedelin possessed proficiency in the use of blaster weapons and heavy weaponry, and he had training in melee combat and unarmed combat. As a capable commander, he had extensive knowledge of star systems and was skilled in survival techniques. With a technical mindset, Dedelin was able to plot courses through hyperspace and operate starship weapons and shield systems. He also had the ability to repair starships when necessary.
During his time on Captivity, Dedelin always wore his captain's cap and carried a basic vibro-ax.