Dej Vennor

In the year 0 ABY, a male humanoid bounty hunter named Dej Vennor operated with a reputation for being both deadly and highly skilled. Vennor exclusively pursued bounties placed on pirates. He was believed by some to have been a former Imperial scout trooper, a theory supported by his wearing of a customized set of scout trooper armor. Vennor's personal starship was the Target Acquired, a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, and he also possessed an interrogation droid designated IT-904.


By 0 ABY, Dej Vennor, a male humanoid, had established himself as a bounty hunter. Vennor, who was known for being effective and deadly, accepted only bounty assignments that involved pirates, rejecting contracts that focused on smugglers or Rebels unless they were involved in piracy. Rumors circulated regarding Vennor's past, suggesting that he was once an Imperial scout trooper, while others claimed that a pirate king had left him with severe scars. Other rumors stated that pirates killed Vennor's entire family, while some said that Vennor tracked pirates to their lairs to steal their treasures.

Vennor once acquired IT-904, a former Imperial interrogation droid, in an auction on the planet Epsi Nadir held by The Most Honourable Guild of Armourers. He later made significant modifications to the droid. The bounty hunter's Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, named Target Acquired, was also modified.

In 0 ABY, Captain Vocis Kenit, formerly of the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Far Orbit, who had previously served on the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Far Orbit, offered bounties for his former crew after they mutinied and took control of the frigate. Vennor attempted to collect these bounties and pursued the Far Orbit.

Personality and traits

Vennor, a talented bounty hunter, only accepted assignments involving pirates, refusing to target individuals not involved in piracy.


Vennor's modified Imperial scout trooper armor included a jetpack and a sealed enviro filter capable of blocking gases and toxins for up to two hours, as well as providing protection from the vacuum of space. The armor also featured wrist lasers, an internal-line slinger with a grappling hook or magnetic point, and a coating of reflec to disrupt sensors. In addition to his starship, Target Acquired, Vennor carried a blaster rifle, a heavy blaster pistol, a force pike, and a stun grenade. He also possessed three pairs of binders.

Behind the scenes

The character of Dej Vennor was initially mentioned in The Far Orbit Project by Timothy S. O'Brien, published in 1998. This book, a supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, served as a sequel to Pirates & Privateers, continuing its theme by detailing the adventures of the Far Orbit. Vennor is featured in "The Price of Success" scenario hook within The Far Orbit Project, offering players the opportunity to include the bounty hunter as an antagonist to the Far Orbit's crew in their missions.


  • The Far Orbit Project (First mentioned)

Notes and references
