Deja Nebet

Deja Nebet was a Human female who held the position of senator representing the planet of Onderon during the Galactic War against the re-established Sith Empire.


Deja Nebet was born on the planet of Onderon, where she developed a strong belief in the ideals of the Republic, and a deep-seated pride for the traditions and people of her homeworld.

Prior to her election as the senator for the planet in the Galactic Senate, Nebet was an officer within the Royal Guard of Queen Lina, who was the mother of the future King Regalun Petryph. During her time in service, legends say that she was one of only two guards to survive a battle with Wodnakki at Dox Piter. Nebet sustained injuries during this battle and had to be carried by Lina to a nearby village for medical attention, where she was hailed as a hero. This event became a popular tale recounted to Onderonian children for many years afterward.

Because of her longstanding connections to the planet's nobility and royalty, coupled with King Petryph's frequent isolation and incompetence, Nebet effectively became the primary political figure for the planet.

Behind the scenes

Gameplay alternatives

  • In the Imperial narrative of the Onslaught expansion, when the player assaults the Onderonian capital, Iziz, Nebet briefly engages in a duel with Akoru before using a blaster to kill him. She is then confronted by King Petryph, who accuses her of plotting against him, which she denies. The player is then presented with the following choices: One Dark Side option involves the player secretly assassinating both Petryph and Nebet, thereby preventing the Empire from securing Onderon's resources. Another Dark Side option involves the player secretly assassinating Petryph, which leaves Nebet in a state of confusion. The player emerges from hiding, revealing Petryph's allegiance to the Empire. Nebet denounces Petryph for jeopardizing Onderon before the player can command his bodyguards to either execute her or take her into custody.
  • In the Republic narrative of the Onslaught expansion, the player encounters Nebet as she is standing over the deceased body of Akoru. At the conclusion of the Onderon storyline, Nebet expresses her gratitude to the player for assisting in the apprehension of Petryph.

