Del Korrot, a Cerean operating as a freelance Jedi hunter, extended his services to Emperor Palpatine. He vowed to locate and eliminate Jedi Knights and Force-sensitives who had managed to survive the Great Jedi Purge.
Following the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Korrot presented himself to Emperor Palpatine, declaring himself a Jedi hunter. Intrigued by Del Korrot's boldness, Palpatine consented to support Korrot's endeavors within the framework of the Empire. Palpatine permitted Korrot to operate independently beyond the Empire's boundaries, provided he fulfilled his Imperial obligations. Aboard his starship, the Shadow I, Del Korrot traversed the galaxy in search of any Jedi Knights who may have eluded the Jedi Purge. He donned armor reinforced with cortosis, and frequently murdered innocent individuals simply for his own amusement. He justified these killings by claiming the victims possessed latent Force-sensitives abilities, but Emperor Palpatine grew weary of his needless violence.
Ultimately, the Emperor dispatched Darth Vader to assassinate Del Korrot. The Cerean could not withstand the full range of attacks that the Sith Lord brought to bear. Vader eventually overcame and killed Del Korrot.