Delta 42

Delta 42 served as the LAAT pilot for Delta Squad, providing aerial assistance and extraction services. Notably, he aided Delta Squad in their escape from a detonating Core ship located on Geonosis.

Behind the scenes

Initially, the plan was for this clone pilot to have a more significant presence in the game; specifically, he was intended to be Delta Squad's pilot during a ship crash on Kashyyyk, an event that was ultimately removed from the final version. Evidence of his character remains within the game's data in the form of his deceased body.

A line spoken by Scorch during the Kashyyyk campaign, while battling Trandoshans, includes the phrase: "That's for Delta 32! Or was it 42?" This line seems to reference the revenge for 42's demise following the omitted ship crash, and it appears to have been inadvertently included in the released game.

