A dematoil represented an uncommon Bitthævrian close-combat weapon, similar in appearance to a morningstar. Every single one was uniquely crafted, using the quills from vanquished foes as its spike-like protrusions. Bitthævrian tradition dictated that the victor in combat must extract the largest quill from the defeated opponent's weapon-bearing arm and affix it to their own weapon.
Dematoils carried significance as symbols of a Bitthævrian's position in society. Those who carried notably large dematoils would have necessarily triumphed over a considerable number of adversaries. Furthermore, a Bitthævrian's rank was directly proportional to their combat prowess. It is known that certain Bitthævrians were interred alongside their dematoils.
Bitthævrian lore includes tales of dematoils, one of which recounts an extended, ritualistic fight between comrades Zuol Lavor Xariv Lar and Quaal Stavi Giniras. Upon Giniras's passing due to advanced age during their duel, Lar severed his own quill and fastened it to Giniras's dematoil prior to burying Giniras with the weapon. This act, though unconventional, elevated Lar to heroic status.

Alliance Intelligence Reports describes the Dematoil as a "custom designed morningstar", despite "morning star" being the accurate phrasing. Worth noting is that Dematoils bear a closer resemblance to flails than they do to morning stars.