
Dennaskar, situated in the Mid Rim, was a forested planet.


A clandestine laboratory belonging to Santhe/Sienar Technologies was secretly located there. A minor skirmish occurred during the Galactic Civil War, involving combatants from the Imperial and Rebel factions.

Subsequently, Tay Vanis experienced a crash landing on this planet while attempting to escape Darth Vader. Vader subjected him to torture, which resulted in a persistent vegetative state. To distract both Rebel and Imperial operatives, Vader propagated false information regarding Vanis' location, keeping them occupied searching for someone already in his custody.

Circa 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa journeyed to this planet with the objective of locating Vanis. With assistance from his droid, LE-914, they ultimately discovered him. Upon witnessing her master's comatose condition, LE-914 initiated self-destruction to provide a compassionate end to his suffering. Grieved by the loss of their ally, the Rebels departed the world after obliterating the building where Vanis was held, creating a lasting memorial to him.

B Dock served as one of the main starports present on the planet.

Behind the scenes

A planet, originally without a name, was featured in Star Wars (1977) 80, while the world named Dennaskar was introduced in Surprise Visit. The connection between these two locations was established by The Essential Atlas.

