Dennet Clyde, the chieftain of the Hammers syndicate on Thorum, met his end when Crimson Dawn detonated a bomb, judging his organization to be encroaching on their territory.
Clyde's journey began as a lumberjack before he ascended to lead a criminal faction. During Qi'ra's visit, disguised as a rich outlander, to his base of operations, he faulted his secretary, who was also his sister-in-law, for the missed meeting. He then consented to sell his entire delweed crop to Qi'ra. She insisted he assemble the sales order himself and departed while he was occupied. In a state of alarm, he gathered the gang's chiefs to identify Qi'ra, which alerted Crimson Dawn's surveillance, exposing the gang's details. He encountered her again upon her return to his office for the contract signing.
Following the contract's execution and Clyde's payment, Qi'ra left the premises. Subsequently, Crimson Dawn initiated an assault on the Hammers' leadership. Clyde and his secretary perished in a bombing.
Clyde frequently deflected responsibility onto those beneath him, rather than accepting it himself. His past as a lumber worker endowed him with considerable physical strength. Clyde's wife had a sister who was his secretary. A recurring pattern in Clyde's behavior was the tendency to pass blame onto his underlings, especially his secretary.