The surface of the planet Jakku is a desert.
Planetary deserts were regions characterized by sparse terrain, minimal rainfall, and overall aridity. These areas were often desolate, dry, and unforgiving. For example, on Tatooine, sandstorms presented a hazard to the inhabitants, leading some to become moisture farmers, extracting water from beneath the arid surface. The planet known as Jakku also featured a desert environment. Both Jakku and Tatooine shared a golden tan sand composition. Er'Kit and Geonosis represent additional desert planets.
The concept of deserts was first visualized in 1977 with the release of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope through the depiction of Tatooine. This marked the debut of both deserts and the first climate portrayed in the franchise. Filming for the Tatooine scenes in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope took place in Tunisia.